Saturday, January 29, 2011

How To Make The Bohr Diagram


holding a page of your blog to acknowledge the signs of affection received these past few weeks and appreciate all the help and support you have given me during these two years.

I hope that families have felt well represented by me and the work done during these two years has been to his liking. In any case I know that I have with all my love and respect and for me it was an honor to be your President.

Maite I want to thank the trust placed in me, I hope not to have cheated, Natalia how much that helped me on my landing and how good I've been working at his side.

The nursing staff, concierge, cooking, cleaning, Day Centre staff, the tireless Susi and collaborators, all I have to say that everything achieved in these two years was also thanks to them and must be feel proud of it, ultimately I just try to be at its height.

My residents who at first did not know their names and little by little we know, telling us our stuff, taking a more affective and now I have to thank all that have given me, I take the backpack filled with their stories, secrets and all of his affection.

two years ago when I assumed the Presidency of the Association of Relatives had no idea it was going to live a humanly enriching experience and I would meet a unique group of people.
therefore had the need to thank everyone that you have allowed me to live this unforgettable experience for me. THANKS



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